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    Oklahoma Earthquake Insurance Claims Wrongfully Denied

    November 2nd, 2016 by admin

    Contact Reams Law at if your Oklahoma earthquake insurance claim was denied. Reams Law (405) 285-6878 / (800) 593-1974 NOT BELIEVE REPORTS THAT YOUR EARTHQUAKE INSURANCE CLAIM IS “NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE” – consult with an attorney first!

    There have been misleading reports in Oklahoma media that damage from earthquakes in Oklahoma is supposedly “not covered by insurance.” CLICK HERE to see The Oklahoman, “Most Damage from 5.8-magnitude Pawnee earthquake is not covered by insurance,” October 30, 2016.fullsizerender

    Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner, John Doak, was reported by The Oklahoma as saying, “Most people … who sustained property damage lacked insurance coverage for earthquakes. … Earthquake insurance policies … are meant to only cover damage from catastrophic loss.”

    Do not believe such statements by Doak without reviewing the terms of your own homeowners policy. Doak is a Republican who was elected to his office with the help of monetary donations from the insurance industry. Click here. According to the Insurance Journal, June 23, 2014, “Doak reported total contributions of about $500,000. Among his last-minute donations were $5,000 from the president of Falcon Insurance and $4,750 from a political action committee with ties to the insurance industry.”

    Some insurance policies state that covered loss includes “direct physical loss caused by earthquake.” However, despite explicit language covering earthquake damage, some insurance companies have denied earthquake insurance claims on the purported basis that structure damage was not “directly” caused by an earthquake. Some insurance companies have refused to pay the full claim, agreeing only to pay only cosmetic damage and not damage to the foundation, asserting that damage to the structure existed before the earthquake due to Oklahoma soil and natural settling. Some insurance companies have claimed that damage to a home’s foundation existed before an earthquake, even though the insurance company never inspected the home before issuing earthquake coverage. Oklahoma homeowners believe that it is insurance bad faith for an insurance company to deny earthquake coverage on a home on the ground that the foundation and structure had pre-existing damage from settling when the insurance company did not personally inspect the home before issuing the policy for earthquake coverage.

    Do not trust the Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner, the media, or your insurance company to tell you whether your earthquake homeowner’s insurance claim is covered. Review the actual terms of your insurance policy and contact REAMS LAW to set up an appointment for an initial consultation. (405) 285-6878 / (800) 593-1974

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