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    Celebrating nearly 25 years of law practice.


    The Federal Labor Standards Act (FSLA) requires employers to pay employees 1.5 times their normal hourly rate when they work more than 40 hours in a normal work week. The overtime requirement is calculated for the total hours worked, rather than the number of hours worked on a given work day. Some employees are exempt from being paid overtime, and whether an exemption for overtime applies can be a detailed legal and factual analysis. If you are an employee who has not been paid overtime, contact REAMS LAW at (405) 285-6878 to discuss your rights. Be advised that, depending on the jurisdiction and facts of each case, the statute of limitations (limitation on the time for you to make a claim for overtime) may be as short as two (2) years. So, time is of the essence for employees to pursue overtime claims. Do not delay. Contact us now.

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    Oklahomans purchase insurance to feel safe and secure against serious risks. When faced with a serious illness like cancer, when a fire, tornado, hail storm, or earthquake destroys their home, when a disaster destroys their business or livelihood, when they are in automobile accidents, or other catastorphies strike, they depend on insurance to get them through with peace of mind. The insurance company owes contractual and legal obligations to those policy holders. Disputes arise when claims are denied or delayed, policies are cancelled, or the insurance company fails to defend. Reams Law has the experience to protect for your rights under the policy.

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    Most people in the United States have been involved in an accident. Over 17,000 automobile accidents happen every day. A person dies every 13 minutes on the road. Causes and conditions include aggressive driving, texting while driving, cell phone usage, intoxication, prescription and illegal drug use, and road conditions including ice, wind, snow, and rain. Other factors can contribute to a catastrophic accident, such as defects in seatbelts, tires, seats, turn signals, break lights, and engine parts, or even a failure by an automotive dealer to perform known recalls. When trucks, ambulances, police cruisers, and other regulated vehicles are involved in accidents, improperly secured loads, failure to follow proper procedures, lack of maintenance, improper load inspection, or lack of proper safety inspection can be factors. After an accident, it’s critically important to contact an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.

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    If you or a family member have been injured while using a product, you may have a claim against the seller, distributor, manufacturer and the designer of that product. Strict product liability applies in Oklahoma, and those injured and damaged may be entitled to file a “product liability” lawsuit in Oklahoma to seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, property injury and loss, and other damages. Defective and dangerous products can include nearly anything that is sold and marketed, including drugs and medical devices, automobiles and parts, household items, toys, lawn equipment, and paint, cleaners, and any product on a store shelf. Contact Reams Law to discuss your Oklahoma product liability claim.
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    Defective medical devices and prescription drugs can cause serious harm and even death. You or someone you love may be entitled to compensation in an Oklahoma drug lawsuit if caused injury or suffering from drugs like Essure, Risperdal, Invokana, Talcum Powder, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or Taxotere. Contact attorneys at Reams Law if you have been harmed by defective drugs or medical devices to seek the justice you deserve.
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    Reams Law helps clients navigate disputes arising from construction projects, including homeowners, contractors and subcontractors. Whether you  are involved in a new home construction dispute, a property owner seeking to remove a mechanics lien, a subcontractor needing to preserve a claim, or a contractor, prosecuting or defending claims, Reams Law can evaluate your unique circumstances and protect your interests.

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    The negligence of another that results in the untimely passing of a loved one is wrongful death. Medical malpractice, automobile and trucking accidents, defectively made or designed products, exposure to asbestos resulting in mesothelioma, abuse in a nursing home or hospice, defective prescription drugs or medical devices, failure of a property owner, businesses or municipalities to warn about dangerous conditions or circumstances on their premises, and negligently planned and managed public events, can result in wrongful death. Family member who can file a wrongful death claim may include a husband or wife, domestic partner, children, parents, brothers and sisters, or other relatives who can show emotional and monetary loss.
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    Sophisticated business people and corporations understand that legal disputes have unfortunately become a part of doing business in the United States. The more a business grows and prospers, and the longer it thrives, it is more a matter of when, rather than if, it is going to find itself involved in a lawsuit, whether as a claimant or defendant. Reams Law has the experience to assist you to solve the the challenges of commercial disputes, whether settling potential claims before they are filed, or handling claims and defenses through pre-trial, trial and appellate stages of litigation.

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    The growth of the internet presents challenges for Oklahoma business and individuals alike. While it is easier to communicate with one another and build businesses and connections, it is also easier to damage reputations, malign public perceptions, and destroy good will and clientel with social media and other blog sites. Those making false statements about you or your business, posting unwanted or unreasonably offensive information, or even bullying, may appear to be anonymous. But they are not necessarily beyond the reach of your legal protections and rights. Reams Law can assist in unmasking defamers, and fighting to stop publications of false statements and other wrongful internet activity.

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    If you have been injured while visiting a store, mall, fair, music concert, or a public or even private event or place, you may be entitled to recover for you damages caused by wrongful conduct of others. Under Oklahoma law, property and business owners owe duties to their visitors to keep the place free from unreasonable hazards and other risks that they know about or should have known about, and they owe a duty to warn about dangers. Slip and fall and other accidents are often the cause of a property owner’s failure to repair a danger or warn others about it. Contact Oklahoma premises liability attorneys at Reams Law to seek just compensation.

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    We can assist you in property sale negotiations, drafting contracts, protecting your title rights, and litigating contractual disputes. If you are property owner, contractor, developer, landlord, manager of property, or builder, contact Reams Law to discuss your unique needs and specifications.

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