Reams Law will work to protect your privacy interests, protect your identity, and challenge those persons, companies, and entities that disregard your rights. Computer-based claims and defenses that the Firm handles include: libel, slander & defamation, fraud, First Amendment issues, copyright enforcement & defense, and unlawful search & seizures.
If you own a business, you know how important on-line reviews on sites like Google and Yelp can be. While customers are entitled to opinions, false reviews can be devastating. Unfortunately, fraudulent postings by competitors or someone with a grudge have have become more common. Reams Law can help address harmful libelous claims about you or your business.
The Washington Post and other sources have recently exposed activities of the U.S. Government that were previously unknown to voters. For example, it is now clear that the NSA has targeted Americans’, obtaining their personal phone records and other information, without a providing any formal notice or opportunity to object. Many believe that such activities are contrary to the fundamental principles outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Even if secretly approved by the U.S. Congress, many advocate that Congress exceeded its Constitutional authority by authorizing such activities by the NSA, and thus, that they are wrongful.
Like these and many other areas of Internet / Privacy Law, the law is constantly changing, whether by new legislation in response to these issues, or by published decisions in State and Federal Courts. When you are confronted with new legal challenges arising from the Internet, Reams Law can help.