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    International Law

    The meaning and application of “international law” is increasingly blurred in a globalized world. Business may have a principal place of business in China, manufacturing offices in Indonesia, employees and offices throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Eurasia, and the Americas, building projects in all the above regions, and contracts relating to production, trade, import/export, public health, employment, construction, and real estate, applicable in multiple foreign states. Such traditional areas of private international law, including compliance with foreign and domestic rules and regulations, must often be viewed and considered through areas of public international law, including trade laws, the effects of armed conflicts, and human rights, environmental, and security issues effecting the conduct of businesses and people, foreign and domestic.

    Maters of international law can develop in legal cases and business in unexpected ways. Foreign businesses operating in the U.S. may find themselves responding to a subpoena from a State or federal court, wondering whether domestic courts have authority to force them to produce documents and things located in a foreign jurisdiction, or whether they must obtain an order from a foreign court in the jurisdiction of that business. Foreign and domestic business must comply with rules and regulations where they operate and negotiate agreements to be enforceable in multiple countries and jurisdictions. Entrepreneurs may find themselves in a copyright dispute by importing less expensive and identical products from abroad for a profit in the United States. Foreign and domestic spouses, undergoing marital problems with children, may find themselves running afoul of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

    Contact the Reams Law Firm with your international legal matters:

    – Business disputes and litigation between foreign and domestic entities.

    – International business agreements.

    – Foreign and domestic business operation compliance.

    – Business filings.

    – Responding to, and seeking, subpoenas in international litigation, and service of process in foreign jurisdictions.

    – Judgment enforcement and recovery of assets of foreign defendants.

    – Immigration: EB-1 Extraordinary Ability green card and EB-5 Immigrant Investor program.

    Contact Reams Law at (405) 285-6878.