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    If you’ve been in a car, truck or motorcycle crash, contact the Reams Law Firm in Oklahoma for assistance. (405) 285-6878 / (800) 593-1974. After an accident, whether you are at fault or another driver negligently hit you, you will have questions. What are my rights? Should I report the accident to my insurance company?

    On July 29, 2015, Russian President Valdimir Putin signed Decree No. 391 (see also Government Resolution No. 774, July 31, 2015), providing for the procedures for the destruction of embargoed products illegally imported into Russia, with destruction commencing on August 6, 2015. In June, pursuant to Decree No. 320, Putin had extended its embargo on

    Full Text of Russian President Putin Decree on the Destruction of Western Food – In Russian The decree, in English, reads in part: “Agricultural products, raw materials and food items exported to the territory of the Russian Federation, with a country of origin that imposed sanctions against the Russian legal entities and/or individuals or joined

    Contact Reams Law sooner than later if you believe your insurance company has improperly denied, underpaid, delayed, or inadequately investigated your claim. If you feel mistreated by your insurance company, your insurance company may try to tell you that the policy provides that you only have a year to sue and challenge its misconduct in

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    If an oil and gas company has contacted you, asking you to sign an “oil & gas lease,” or place a pipeline or electrical line across your property, contact an attorney to know your rights. Such companies may even present paperwork for you to sign as if you have no right to ask for different

    Contact Reams Law if your insurance claim has been denied, underpaid, your payment has been delayed or your insurance company has refused to defend you in a lawsuit. Reams Law can handle your insurance claim arising out of: cancer insurance, home insurance, earhquake insurance, crop insurance, health insurance, homeowners insurance, uninsured motorist insurance, commercial liability

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    Nearly a year ago, unaccompanied children, most immigrating from Central America, began arriving at Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma. By summer’s end, more than 1,800 children had passed through the military base before it was closed in early August of 2014. Many attorneys in Oklahoma, working pro bono, assisted these children who eventually continued on

    Have you made an insurance claim on your State Farm homeowner’s policy for fire, hail, wind, earthquake or other damage? Do you believe that you weren’t paid enough, that the insurance company didn’t properly investigate or evaluate your claim? CONTACT REAMS LAW. Your insurance company owes you duties to properly process, evaluate, investigate or pay

    Austin Reams of the Reams Law Firm is now admitted to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri! Oil & Gas Contract Disputes Insurance Bad Faith Earthquake Insurance Home Insurance Quiet Title Fraud Fraud Accidents & Injuries

    An oil company may have approached you, saying it “desires to drill oil and gas wells” on your property. It might even provide a “platt” of your property and offer you $10,000 or more. But is the oil company really asking to drill oil and gas wells that would explore YOUR oil and gas and