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    Full Text of Russian President Putin Decree on the Destruction of Western Food – In Russian

    September 23rd, 2015 by admin

    Full Text of Russian President Putin Decree on the Destruction of Western Food – In Russian

    The decree, in English, reads in part:
    “Agricultural products, raw materials and food items exported to the territory of the Russian Federation, with a country of origin that imposed sanctions against the Russian legal entities and/or individuals or joined said decision, and that are banned from entering the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to extermination as of August 6, 2015.”


    Подписан Указ об уничтожении с 6 августа запрещённых к ввозу в Россию сельхозтоваров

    Президент подписал Указ «Об отдельных специальных экономических мерах, применяемых в целях обеспечения безопасности Российской Федерации».
    29 июля 2015 года

    Полный текст документа:

    В целях реализации указов Президента Российской Федерации от 6 августа 2014 года № 560 «О применении отдельных специальных экономических мер в целях обеспечения безопасности Российской Федерации» и от 24 июня 2015 года № 320 «О продлении действия отдельных специальных экономических мер в целях обеспечения безопасности Российской Федерации» постановляю:

    1. Установить, что ввезённые на территорию Российской Федерации сельскохозяйственная продукция, сырьё и продовольствие, страной происхождения которых является государство, принявшее решение о введении экономических санкций в отношении российских юридических и (или) физических лиц или присоединившееся к такому решению, и которые запрещены к ввозу на территорию Российской Федерации (далее – товары), подлежат уничтожению с 6 августа 2015 года.

    2. Положения настоящего Указа не применяются в отношении товаров, ввезённых физическими лицами для личного пользования либо помещённых под таможенную процедуру таможенного транзита и перевозимых в третьи страны, при условии подлинности ветеринарных и фитосанитарных сопроводительных документов, соответствия их грузу, а также наличия у государственных контролирующих органов достаточных оснований полагать, что доставка товаров будет завершена в месте, расположенном за пределами территории Российской Федерации, в соответствии с условиями помещения товаров под таможенную процедуру таможенного транзита.

    3. Правительству Российской Федерации незамедлительно установить порядок уничтожения товаров.

    4. Настоящий Указ вступает в силу со дня его подписания.

    Статус материала

    Опубликован в разделе: Новости

    Дата публикации: 29 июля 2015 года, 17:10

    Текстовая версия


    RESOLUATION NO. 774 – JULY 31, 2015
    Resolution #774 of July 31, 2015
    On approval of the rules of the destruction of agricultural products, raw materials and food included in the list of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs originating from the United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway, and that until August 5, 2016 (inclusive) are prohibited in the Russian Federation

    The Government of the Russian Federation decrees:

    1. In order to implement the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2015
    #391 “On certain special economic measures applied to ensure the security of the Russian
    Federation” to approve the attached rules of destruction of agricultural products, raw materials and food included in the List of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs originating from the United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway and that until August 5, 2016 (inclusive) are prohibited to be imported into the Russian Federation, which is approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2014 .
    #778 “On measures to implement the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2014 #560 and on June 24, 2015#320”.
    2. The implementation of the present Resolution is performed by the relevant federal bodies of
    executive power within the limits of the number of employees of these bodies determined by the
    Government of the Russian Federation, as well as within the federal budget allocation to these bodies for management and administration in the set functions.
    3. This decision shall enter into force on
    August 6, 2015
    Russian Prime Minister
    Dmitry Medvedev
    Rules Approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2015
    RULES of the destruction of agricultural products, raw materials and food included in the list of
    agricultural products, raw materials and food originating from the United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway, and that until August 5, 2016
    (inclusive) are prohibited to be imported
    into the Russian Federation
    These rules prescribe the procedures for the destruction of agricultural products, raw materials and food included in the List of agricultural products, raw materials and food originating from the United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway and that until August 5, 2016 (inclusive) are prohibited to be imported into the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2014
    #778 “On measures to implement the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2014 #560 and June 24, 2015
    #320” (hereinafter banned for import products), whether or not the identity of a person (persons) in charge of foreign economic operations involving import into the Russian Federation of banned products is
    Products banned for imports are subject to immediate withdrawal and destruction after the execution of the act (protocol) on the fact of withdrawal.
    The decision onthe withdrawal and destruction of banned products is made by the authorized
    officials of the Federal Customs Service and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, or the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (hereinafter -the authorized officials), within their competence, which detected the fact of the foreign economic transactions involving the importation into the territory of the Russian Federation of banned products.
    Lists of authorized officers are approved by the above mentioned federal executive authorities.
    Destruction of banned products is made in the presence of at least two disinterested persons.
    Destruction shall be fixed by video, photography and filming with the date and the time of the execution of filming.
    The destruction of banned to import products shall be filed under the act, which is made by an
    authorized officer who adopted the decision, with the attached materials with video, photography and filming in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Regulation.
    The act of destruction of banned for import products shall specify the type and quantity of goods
    prohibited for import, place, date, time and manner of its destruction, as well as information about the disinterested persons. Act is signed by the authorized official and stamped by federal executive authority referred to in paragraph 3 of these Rules with the stamp (if available at the official), as well as signed by disinterested parties and signed by the person (s) involved in the transport or storage or maintenance of banned products, or person (s), which have the right of ownership or any other legal rights on the banned products.
    In case of refusal of the person (s) carrying out the transportation or storage or maintenance of banned products, or the person who has the right of ownership or other legal rights on the banned products, to sign the certificate of destruction of banned for import products and (or) to attend the destruction, then the appropriate entry in the act is made.
    The destruction of the banned for import products is carried out in any possible way in line with the mandatory requirements envisaged in the legislation in the field of environmental protection, on the basis of the certificate of destruction of banned for import products.

    DEREE NO. 560 – AUGUST 6, 2014

    On the measures for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of
    August 6, 2014 #560 “About the application of certain special economic measures in order to
    protect the national security of the Russian Federation”

    In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 #560 “About the application of certain special economic measures in order to protect national security of the Russian Federation”, the Government of the Russian Federation orders:
    Impose for a term of one year a prohibition on the import to the Russian Federation of
    the agricultural products, raw materials and food, which originate from the United States of
    America, European Union countries, Canada, Australia, and Norway Kingdom according to the
    attached list.
    Federal Customs Service to provide control over the implementation of the paragraph 1 of this regulation.
    The Governmental Committee for Monitoring and Operational Response to the Changes of the
    Conjuncture of the Food Markets, together with the highest bodies of executive authorities of the
    subjects of the Russian Federation, to provide balance in the food market and prevent escalation of prices of agricultural products, raw materials and food.
    Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation together with the highest bodies of executive authorities of the subjects of the
    Russian Federation to organize conduct daily operational monitoring and control over the status
    of the relevant markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food.
    Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, together with the interested federal bodies of the executive authorities, and with participation of the associations of manufacturers of
    agricultural products, raw materials and food, to develop and implement complex measures
    aimed to increase the supply of agricultural products, raw materials and food in order to prevent
    the escalation of prices.
    Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian
    Federation, Ministry of EconoMic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal
    Antitrust Service, with participation of associations of retail trader networks and trade
    organizations to provide coordination of the work aimed at preventing escalation of prices.
    The present regulation comes into force on the day of its official publication.
    Head of the Government of the Russian Federation
    D. Medvedev

    Agricultural products, raw materials and food, originating from the United States of America,
    European Union countries, Canada, Australia, and Kingdom of Norway which are prohibited for
    import into the Russian Federation for the period of one year.
    HS Code
    Name of goods *)***)
    Meat of cattle, fresh and chilled
    Meat of cattle, frozen
    Pork fresh, chilled or frozen
    Meat and food byproducts of poultry, indicated in the HS item 0105,
    fresh, chilled or frozen
    Meat salted, pickled, dried or smoked
    0301, 0302
    Fish and crustaceous, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates
    0303, 0304
    0305 , 0306
    0307, 0308
    0401, 0402
    Milk and dairy products
    0403, 0404
    0405, 0406
    Vegetables, edible roots and tuber crops
    0702 00 000,
    03, 0704
    0705, 0706
    0707 00,
    0708, 0709
    0710, 0711
    0712, 0713
    0801, 0802
    Fruits and nuts
    0803, 0804
    0805, 0806
    0807, 0808
    0809, 0810
    0811, 0813
    1601 00
    Sausages and similar products from meat, meat byproducts or blood;
    prepared meat products prepared from them
    1901 90 110 0,
    Prepared products including cheeses and curd on the basis of vegetable
    1901 90 910 0
    2106 90 920 0,
    Food (containing milk, based on vegetable oils)
    2106 90 980 4,
    2106 90 980 5,
    2106 90 980 9
    * For the application of this list it is necessary to follow HS code description, the name of the good is indicated for convenience.
    ** For the application of this item it is necessary to follow HS code description and the name of the
    *** Excepting for goods designed for baby nutrition.

    DECREE NO. 320 – JUNE 24, 2015

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2015, No. 320
    n Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National

    In order to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the
    Federal Laws No. 281- -FZ
    To extend certain special economic measures stipulated by item 1 of Decree of the President
    Application of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National Security of the Russian Federation 2015.
    2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
    a) in accordance with its competence ensure that measures needed for the implementation of the
    present Decree are taken;
    b) as necessary submit proposals on amending the deadline for special economic measures
    established by item 1 of the present Decree.
    3. The present Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its signing.

    DECREE NO. 625 – JUNE 25, 2015


    No. 625 of June 25, 2015

    On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014

    The Government of the Russian Federation decrees:

    To approve the attached amendments to be introduced in the Decree of the Government of the
    Russian Federation No. 778 of August 7, 2014 On the measures to implement the Decree of the
    Collection of laws of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 32, art. 4543; No. 34, art. 4685.)
    The present Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its official publication.
    Head of the Government
    of the Russian Federation
    D. Medvedev
    by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 625 of June 25, 2015
    to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014
    1. The title shall read as follows:
    Federation No. 560 of
    2. The preamble shall read as follows:
    the President of the Russian Federation No. 560 of August 6, 2014
    On the Application of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National Security of the Russian Federation On the Extension of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National Security of the Russian Federation Russian
    The attachment to the stated decree shall read as follows:to the Decree of the Governmentof the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014
    (as amended by Decreeof the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 625 of June 25, 2015)
    of agricultural products, raw materials and food,originating from the United States of America,European Union countries, Canada, Australia,and the Kingdom of Norway which are prohibited for importinto the Russian Federation through August 5, 2016
    EAEU HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    Meat of cattle, fresh and chilled
    Meat of cattle, frozen
    EAEU HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    Pork fresh, chilled or frozen
    Meat and food byproducts of poultry, indicated in the HS item 0105, fresh, chilled
    or frozen from 0210**
    Meat salted, pickled, dried or smoked from 0301**
    Live fish (except for fry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and fry of trout (Salmo
    trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss)
    0303, 0304,
    0305, 0306,
    from 0307**,
    Fish and crustaceous, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates (except for young
    oysters and mussels (spat))
    from 0401**,
    from 0402**,
    from 0403**,
    from 0404**,
    Milk and dairy products (except for specialized lactose-free milk and specialized
    lactose-free dairy products for therapeutic dietary nutrition and preventive dietary
    0701 (except for
    0701 10 000 0),
    0702 00 000,
    0703 (except for
    0703 10 110 0),
    0705, 0706,
    0707 00,
    0708, 0709,
    0710, 0711,
    0712 (except for
    0712 90 110 0),
    0713 (except for
    0713 10 100 0),
    Vegetables, edible roots and tuber crops (except for seed potatoes, seed onion,
    hybrid sweetcorn seed, seed peas)
    0801, 0802,
    0803, 0804,
    Fruits and nuts
    EAEU HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    0805, 0806,
    0807, 0808,
    0809, 0810,
    0811, 0813
    1601 00
    Sausages and similar products from meat, meat byproducts or blood;
    prepared meat products prepared therefrom
    from 1901 90 110
    from 1901 90 910
    from 2106 90 920
    from 2106 90 980
    from 2106 90 980
    from 2106 90 980
    Food or prepared products (except for biologically active additives, vitamin and
    mineral additives, flavorings, protein concentrates (of animal and plant origin)
    and their mixes; food fibers, food additives (including complex ones)
    from 1901 90 990
    Food or prepared products prepared according to the technologies for cheese
    production and containing 1.5 % mass fraction or more dairy fat
    * For the application of this list it is necessary to follow the EAEU HS code description exclusively, the
    name of the good is indicated for convenience.
    ** For the application of this item it is necessary to follow both the EAEU HS code description and the
    name of the good.

    DECREE NO. 320 – JUNE 24, 2015
    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2015, No. 320
    “On the Extension of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National
    Security of the Russian Federation” In order to protect the national interests of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the
    Federal Laws No. 281

    FZ of December 30, 2006, “On Special Economic Measures” and No. 390

    “On Security,” I hereby order:
    1. To extend certain special economic measures stipulated by item 1 of Decree of the
    of the Russian Federation No. 560 of August 6, 2014, “On the
    Application of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National
    Security of the Russian Federation,” for a year as of August 6, 2015.
    2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
    a) in accordance with its competence ensure that measures needed for the implementation of the
    present Decree are taken;
    b) as necessary submit proposals on amending the deadline for special economic measures established by item 1 of the present Decree.
    3. The present Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its signing.


    No. 625
    of June 25, 2015
    On amendments to the Decree of the Government of
    the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014
    The Government of the Russian Federation
    To approve the attached amendments to be introduced in the Decree of the Government of the
    Russian Federation No. 778 of August 7, 2014 On the measures to implement the Decree of the
    President of the Russian Federation No. 560 of August 6, 2014 “On the application of certain special economic measures in order to protect the national security of the Russian Federation” (Collection of laws of the Russian
    Federation, 2014, No. 32, art. 4543; No. 34, art. 4685.)
    2. The present Decree shall enter into force as of the date of its official publication.
    Head of the Government
    of the Russian Federation
    D. Medvedev
    by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 625 of
    June 25, 2015
    to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014
    1. The title shall read as follows:
    “On the measures to implement decrees of the President of the Russian
    Federation No. 560 of
    August 6, 2014, and No. 320 of June 24, 2015.”
    2. The preamble shall read as follows:
    “In execution of decrees of
    the President of the Russian Federation No. 560 of August 6, 2014

    On the Application of Certain Special Economic
    Measures in order to Protect the National
    Security of the Russian Federation” and No. 320 of June 24, 2015 “
    On the Extension of Certain Special Economic Measures in order to Protect the National Security of the Russian Federation”, the Government of the
    Russian Federation decrees:.”
    3. In item 1 the words “for a term of one year” shall be replaced with the words “through August
    5, 2016.”
    4. The attachment to the stated decree shall read as follows:
    to the Decree of the Government
    of the Russian Federation
    No. 778 of August 7, 2014
    (as amended by Decreeof the Government of the Russian Federation No. 625 of June 25, 2015)
    LISTof agricultural products, raw materials and food, originating from the United States of America, European Union countries,Canada, Australia, and the Kingdom of Norway which are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation through August 5, 2016
    HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    Meat of cattle, fresh and chilled
    Meat of cattle, frozen
    HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    fresh, chilled or frozen
    Meat and food byproducts of poultry, indicated in the HS item 0105, fresh, chilled
    or frozen
    from 0210**
    Meat salted, pickled, dried or smoked
    from 0301**
    Live fish (except for fry of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar
    ) and fry of trout (Salmo
    , Oncorhynchus mykiss
    0303, 0304,
    0305, 0306,
    Fish and crustaceous, mollusks and other aquatic invertebrates
    (except for young
    oysters and mussels (spat))
    from 0401**,
    from 0402**,
    from 0403**,
    from 0404**,
    Milk and dairy products (except for

    free milk and

    free dairy products
    for therapeutic dietary nutrition and preventive dietary
    0701 (except for
    0701 10 000 0),
    0702 00 00
    0703 (except for
    0703 10 110 0),
    0705, 0706,
    0707 00,
    0708, 0709,
    0710, 0711,
    0712 (except for
    0712 90 110 0),
    0713 (except for
    0713 10 100 0),
    Vegetables, edible roots and tuber crops (except for seed potatoes, seed onion,
    hybrid sweetcor
    n seed, seed peas)
    0801, 0802,
    0803, 0804,
    Fruits and nuts
    HS Code
    Name of goods *,***
    0805, 0806,
    0807, 0808,
    0809, 0810,
    0811, 0813
    1601 00
    Sausages and similar products from meat, meat byproducts or blood;
    prepared meat products prepared therefrom
    from 1901 90 110
    from 1901 90 910
    from 2106 90 920
    from 2106 90 980
    from 2106 90 980
    from 2106 90 980
    Food or prepared products (except for biologically active additives, vitamin and
    mineral additives, flavorings, protein concentrates (of anim
    al and plant origin)
    and their mixes; food fibers, food additives (including complex ones)
    from 1901 90
    Food or prepared products
    prepared according to the technologies for cheese
    production and containing 1.5 % mass fraction or more dairy
    * For the application of this list it is necessary to follow
    the EAEU HS code description
    exclusively, the name of the good is indicated for convenience.
    ** For the application of this item it is necessary to follow
    both the EAEU
    HS code descripti
    on and the
    name of the good.
    *** Except for goods designed for baby nutrition.”