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    Have you purchased saw palmetto, ginseng, ginko biloba, echinacea, or St. John’s Wort from Tarket (Up & Up), GNC (Herbal Plus), Walmart (Spring Valley) or Walgreens (Finest Nutrition)? If so, contact the Reams Law Firm. These retailers may have sold supplements that do not actually contain what the package says, including unlisted ingredients that are

    By C. Austin Reams* Firm letter heads these days often feature an asterisk (“*”) next to attorneys who are “also licensed” in jurisdictions other than Oklahoma. Possibly due to the growth of the energy industry in this region during these oil boom times, additional licensure in Texas appears more common. After recently completing the application

    Discovery Dreaming By C. Austin Reams Discovery. I know what you’re thinking. Whoopee! Most attorneys and judges alike love talking about it. At water fountains, gyms, football games, hair salons and barbershops, and holiday gatherings. Everyone revels in the opportunity to chat up the differences between Section 3226 and Federal Rule 26, mull the joyful

    The Supreme Court of Missouri has reportedly struck down the cap on punitive damages as a violation of a person’s right to a jury.